My New Flash Accessory KitAfter waiting 3 weeks for some flash accessories to be delivered through the USPS (now I see why they call it snail mail), they finally showed up at my studios doorstep. To be fair, the kit was being delivered from China but when I checked the tracking number it was in NY. That was six days before it was delivered and NY is only a two hour drive from here.
Anyway, I was so excited to see all the cool accessories that came in the kit I couldn’t wait to shoot something to try out my new toys. Included in the kit is a barndoor, reflector, honeycomb, snoot, and more. This kit is designed to fit my Sony speedlights and Yongnuo speedlights. I was pleasantly surprised to get more than I bargained for when I pulled all the parts out of the box. I totally was not expecting a lot of little things like the conical snoot coming with two different sized honeycombs (that gave me a total of three honeycombs when I was only expecting one), or the reflector to come with three inner diffusers (like a beauty dish). There were plenty of other awesome surprises but I won’t bore you with all the details. The bottom line is everything fits my flashes great and works fantastic allowing me to get super creative with my lighting now.
I was so psyched I had to take a photo of something so I took a self Portrait, here’s the photo I took. This is how I take a selfie:
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