Congrats Feb 2014 Bar Exam Passers

April 26, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Congratulations to everyone that passed the February 2014 Bar Exam but a special congratulations to our daughter Jackie that passed the February 2014 New York Bar Exam on her First Attempt, not that we ever doubted.



GO JACKIE!!! We’re so proud of you and we recognize how hard you studied for the Bar Exam…


New York is the largest market for lawyers and it’s where you’ll find some of the most prestigious law schools in the country. The New York BOLE (Board of Law Examiners) is responsible for administering the bar examination to those seeking to practice law in the state of New York and administers the bar exam twice a year. In 2012 the Board processed over 17000 applications and examined over 15000 applicants. I don’t know how many applicants were examined in February but the results show that the passing rate for all applicants, US domestic educated and foreign educated, as well as first time and repeat takers was only 47%. That’s right only 47%. Great Job Jackie!!!


If you googled the NY Bar Exam and stumbled across this article but you’re actually looking for the results to the NY bar exam,


You can find the private results here:


And the results for the general public here:


Hearing how many people fail the NY Bar Exam the first time they take it, Jackie had locked herself away to study after her graduation party (she graduated from New York Law School) because she was so determined to pass her first time out.


Jacqueline Boone's law school graduation party

Here’s a really cool pic we took at Jackie’s graduation party of Alexis, Dominique, and Jackie in the middle.


Jackie and Gerard at Steamtown

Happily, we were able to get Jackie to show her face on occasion while studying like this photo shoot we did in Steamtown.


Once again, if you’re reading this Jackie, your mother and I are so very, very, proud of you…


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